[S2E4] Thirty Foot Range BEST
At the Frag Floor hallways, Ki is proudly hanging a piece of paper on a notice board, saying that Teachers Rank Ki as the #1 RA. Wendell is then walking down the hallway drinking a soda. Ki, without even looking at him, points at him tells him that no soda is allowed in the hallway. To which Wendell apologizes and does a basketball throw with the soda can which lands in the trash can, but soda is then sprayed everywhere from the impact. Ki, utterly shocked by what he did, she firmly tells him that throwing trash in the hallways isn't allowed as well. Wendell that stutters a bit and says that it was an accident. Ki tells him that she caught him using silly string earlier, combined with the soda drinking and throwing trash, that's three infractions. Ki then orders him to do bathroom duty as a punishment, even apologizing to him saying that "rules are rules". Wendell then puts on a surgical glove and walks away, while groaning comically. Shane Pizza is then looking at the Daily Dean paper, telling Ki that #2 RA would be more appropriate, while showing him a small pile of poop he scooped up on the floor. He indicates that this isn't normal poop left by one of the students, and is in fact animal poop. Before he could say where it came from, he took a whiff of the poop, which Ki reacted in disgust. Shane suddenly has flashbacks of himself with a katana, a power drill, driving a luxury car, and high-fiving a bunch of people in a group meeting. The last flashback shows Young Shane in kindergarten, with some other students around him, constantly taunting him and chanting "POOPY MAN SHANE" repeatedly, and he puts his head down in embarrassment. The flashback ends, Shane is then confused and wonders what were they talking about, then dropping the poop in disgust. He then tells her that pets aren't allowed at the frag floor or dorm rooms. Shane then smugly tells him that once he find that cat, Ki can say goodbye at being the #1 RA, indicating that "he and one" are moving in together and that he loves Number one. As Shane walks off, Ki sees an RC car driving by the hallway, followed by Law in disguise following behind it. He stops, looks at Ki, and bluntly states "30 foot range" before catching up to his car.
[S2E4] Thirty Foot Range
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The scene when Walter approaches Gus' house with plans to kill him ends with an extremely high crane shot of Walter standing alone in the middle of the street. MacLaren wanted that shot to be extremely effective because she believed it conveyed Walter's helplessness, insignificance and lack of experience. Although the normal crane used for such overhead shots in Breaking Bad was only 30 feet tall, MacLaren rented a 180-foot-tall crane specifically for that shot. Since the crew had only about four hours to shoot before losing the night-time hours, the crane shot was the first one they filmed. It was shot by camera operators Andrew Voegeli, with dolly grip David Jaxx Nagro and gaffer Steven Litecky.[21] Later, for the scene when Walter meets with Mike at a bar, MacLaren backlit Walter as he entered so only his silhouette would be visible when he entered.[22] When the shots of Mike punching Walter was originally filmed, the staging involved Mike standing up, then Walter standing up, then Mike suddenly punching him. Vince Gilligan edited the scene to have Mike simply punch Walter instead to make the action faster and more surprising.[23] The scene was arranged by stunt coordinator Al Goto,[24] and actors Bryan Cranston and Jonathan Banks performed the stunts themselves.[25] Mike kicks Walter several times after he falls, and Goto placed a large sandbag against Cranston's torso for Banks to kick during those scenes.[26]
For practicing climbing scenes for the episode "The Breach", stunt coordinator Vince Deadrick, Jr. brought Connor Trinneer, Anthony Montgomery, and Dominic Keating to Stoney Point in the northwest of Los Angeles County. Later they've continued to practice and learned the rappelling techniques at a thirty-foot climbing wall on a private location. The actual scenes in the episode were later filmed on the Paramount sound stage. [29](X)
In combat, you can choose to perform an "Epic High Five" as a bonus action with a nearby teammate. This simulates the spell thunderclap (1d6 damage, 5foot range) but does not affect those performing the action.
The amulet flashes, it produces a grenade that is infused with healing properties. The grenade has a range of 25 feet and a 20 foot radius. As an action, throw the grenade and roll 2d6 to heal every creature within the radius, friend and foe alike. 041b061a72