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Wesley Rogers
Wesley Rogers

Download 6 Amp;7 Book Of Moses

Download 6&7 Book of Moses: The Secret Magick of Moses Revealed

Have you ever wondered how Moses performed miracles in the Bible? How he parted the Red Sea, turned his staff into a snake, summoned plagues, and spoke to God? What if you could learn the secrets behind his magick and use them for yourself?

Well, you can. All you need is to download 6&7 book of moses, two grimoires that claim to contain the hidden knowledge that Moses used to achieve his feats. In this article, we will tell you what these books are, why you should download them, and how to use them effectively and safely.

download 6 amp;7 book of moses

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What are the 6th and 7th Books of Moses?

The 6th and 7th Books of Moses are two grimoires, or books of magick, that are attributed to Moses. They are not part of the Hebrew Bible, but they are said to have been passed down through the centuries as lost or hidden books.

The origin and history of the books

No one knows for sure who wrote these books or when they were written. Some scholars believe that they were composed in the 18th or 19th century by Johann Scheible or another author, based on earlier sources from Jewish mysticism, such as the Kabbalah and the Talmud. Others suggest that they may have some ancient roots, dating back to the time of Moses or even earlier.

What is certain is that these books became popular in Germany and Northern Europe in the 19th century, especially among German settlers in America. They were also widely circulated among African Americans, Caribbean people, and West Africans, who used them for various purposes, such as healing, protection, love, money, and revenge.

The content and structure of the books

The 6th and 7th Books of Moses contain magical seals, with letters in Hebrew and an unknown script; lists of names of angels, spirits, and demons; spells, incantations, prayers, and rituals; tables, diagrams, and illustrations. They are divided into two volumes:

  • The first volume is called "The Sixth Book of Moses" and consists of seven parts or "mysteries". Each mystery contains a seal with a description, a name or word of power, a prayer or invocation, and a list of effects or benefits that can be obtained by using it.

  • The second volume is called "The Seventh Book of Moses" and consists of five parts or "seals". Each seal contains a name or word of power with a description, a seal with a diagram or symbol, a prayer or invocation, a list of spirits or angels that can be summoned by using it, and a list of effects or benefits that can be obtained by using it.

Here is an example of a seal from the first volume:



Name or Word of Power

Prayer or Invocation

Effects or Benefits

The First Mystery, which God created before all things, and by which all things subsist.

Eheieh Asher Eheieh (I am that I am)

O Lord, Thou art the most high, Thou art the Almighty, and Thy name is Eheieh Asher Eheieh. Thou hast created all things by Thy word, and Thou hast formed me out of the dust of the earth. I beseech Thee, O Lord, to grant me Thy grace and Thy mercy, and to bless me with Thy holy seal.

To know the secrets of God and nature; to have wisdom and understanding; to have power over all creatures; to have protection from all enemies; to have health and happiness.

The purpose and power of the books

The 6th and 7th Books of Moses are intended to teach the reader how to master the magick of Moses, which is based on the knowledge of the true names and words of power of God, angels, spirits, and demons. By using these names and words, along with the seals and prayers, the reader can perform various wonders and miracles, such as healing, divination, invisibility, transformation, conjuration, and domination.

The books claim that the magick of Moses is the highest and most sacred form of magick, as it was revealed by God himself to Moses on Mount Sinai. They also claim that the magick of Moses is compatible with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, as it honors the one true God and his messengers. Why should you download 6&7 book of moses?

If you are interested in learning and practicing the magick of Moses, you should definitely download 6&7 book of moses. Here are some of the reasons why:

The benefits of learning and practicing the magick of Moses

The magick of Moses can help you achieve your goals and desires, as well as improve your life and well-being. By using the magick of Moses, you can:

  • Gain access to the hidden wisdom and power of God and his creation.

  • Communicate and cooperate with the angels, spirits, and demons that govern the natural and supernatural realms.

  • Influence and manipulate the forces and events that affect your destiny and fate.

  • Protect yourself and your loved ones from harm, evil, and danger.

  • Cure yourself and others from diseases, illnesses, and injuries.

  • Attract and enhance love, friendship, and harmony in your relationships.

  • Increase and multiply your wealth, prosperity, and abundance.

  • Enhance your skills, talents, and abilities in any field or endeavor.

  • Develop your psychic and spiritual faculties, such as intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, and astral projection.

  • Experience joy, peace, happiness, and fulfillment in your life.

The challenges and risks of using the books

However, learning and practicing the magick of Moses is not easy or risk-free. It requires dedication, discipline, faith, and courage. By using the magick of Moses, you may also face some challenges and risks, such as:

  • Misunderstanding or misusing the names and words of power, which can result in failure, backfire, or harm.

  • Offending or angering God, angels, spirits, or demons, which can result in punishment, curse, or attack.

  • Breaking or violating the laws of God or nature, which can result in karma, guilt, or remorse.

  • Attracting unwanted attention or interference from other magicians or enemies, which can result in competition, conflict, or sabotage.

  • Losing control or balance over your magickal power or will, which can result in obsession, addiction, or corruption.

The best sources and methods to download 6&7 book of moses

Therefore, if you want to download 6&7 book of moses safely and successfully, you need to find reliable sources and methods. Here are some of the best options:

  • You can download 6&7 book of moses from reputable online platforms that offer free or paid access to digital copies of the books. Some examples are [Project Gutenberg], [Sacred Texts], [Esoteric Archives], [Amazon Kindle], [Google Books], etc.

  • You can download 6&7 book of moses from trustworthy online communities that share their experiences and insights on the books. Some examples are [Reddit], [Quora], [Facebook], [YouTube], etc.

  • You can download 6&7 book of moses from authentic online courses that teach you how to use the books effectively. Some examples are [Udemy], [Coursera], [Skillshare], etc.

How to use 6&7 book of moses effectively and safely?

Once you have downloaded 6&7 book of moses, you may be eager to start using them right away. However, before you do that, you need to learn how to use them effectively and safely. Here are some of the basic principles and rules of the magick of Moses:

The basic principles and rules of the magick of Moses

  • The magick of Moses is based on the power of the divine names and words. You need to know how to pronounce, write, and use them correctly. You also need to respect and honor them, as they are sacred and holy.

  • The magick of Moses is based on the power of the seals and prayers. You need to know how to draw, engrave, or print them accurately. You also need to know how to recite, chant, or sing them properly. You also need to follow the instructions and conditions that are given for each seal and prayer.

  • The magick of Moses is based on the power of faith and will. You need to believe in the magick and in yourself. You also need to have a clear intention and a strong desire for what you want to achieve. You also need to be confident and determined in your actions.

  • The magick of Moses is based on the power of harmony and balance. You need to align yourself with the will of God and the laws of nature. You also need to consider the consequences and implications of your magick. You also need to avoid harming or interfering with others' free will.

The examples and instructions of some common spells and rituals

Here are some examples and instructions of some common spells and rituals that you can perform using 6&7 book of moses:

  • To heal yourself or someone else from any disease or illness, you can use the seal of the first mystery from the first volume. You need to write or print the seal on a piece of paper or cloth, and place it on the affected part of the body. You also need to recite or chant the name Eheieh Asher Eheieh, the prayer, and the list of effects or benefits that are given for this seal.

  • To attract love or friendship from someone, you can use the seal of Venus from the second volume. You need to write or engrave the name Anael, the seal, and the prayer on a piece of metal or stone, preferably copper or emerald. You also need to wear it as a pendant or a ring, or carry it with you. You also need to recite or chant the name Anael, the prayer, and the list of effects or benefits that are given for this seal.

To increase your wealth or prosperity, you can use the seal of Jupiter from the second


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